Would you like my Number(s)?

"...be aware, getting your own mobile range is actually the least difficult part of the process, 'plugging them in' is often where your problems start..."


Would you like my Number(s)?

If you're a growing CPaaS player, then getting your own mobile number range may well be one of your business goals.

But be aware, getting your own mobile range is actually the least difficult part of the process, 'plugging them in' is often where your problems start.

That is what happened to a new client of ours. They have a mobile number range, but numbers without connectivity are useless - so they came to us for both. We're connected into the Three UK network, so any numbers we provided are automatically part of the GSMA's Roaming Database and are therefore live across every international operator.

Not only that, but the numbers we provide are enabled for voice AND SMS and are fully portable... the hardest function to enable with your own range. 

Our recent client is continuing the process (which can often take two or three years) to get their own number range live, but in the meantime, so that they can get on with the day to day aspects of running their A2P business, they are using numbers from the Three UK range, supplied and enabled by x-Mobility. 

If you have your own number range, you might want to do the same. Then once your numbers are live, we can help you port across.

x-Mobility powers the services that you create.

We enable the enablers, connecting clients with customers,

and customers with each other.